Preparing for Birth

Aptaclub Mobile App

Birth of the mobile App

Being an expectant mother can be an anxious time, especially for first time mums. We knew that mums-to-be where hungry for information as the big day approached. The app was designed to help plan and organise themselves for labour, giving them the reassurance and confidence they sought.


Design and development

Working closely alongside the UX and development teams, I was in charge of designing and prototyping the app. During this process we conducted a series of user interviews with expectant mums to help tweak and make improvements along the way. This agile approach helped us to deliver a fast turn-around on the project, whilst working to a tight deadline and budget.


The result

The app featured a selection of tools including a contraction timer, personalised lists and a practical advice section.

Eight weeks after launch it had over 12,000 downloads and was the 3rd most popular app in the health & Fitness category within the app store - above Nike+ Running.

Visit the app store